Tag: health

Fitness for the Young at Heart

Marie Milleage and Carin Schaab On November 1 Living Well introduced Carin Schaab’s “Fitness for the Young at Heart” motivating presentation that answered the questions: Are you exercising for your lifestyle? Are you completing physical therapy and want to move to the next level? Are you planning to begin an exercise program? As the fitness…

Boot Camp… What do you have to lose?

Barbara and Mike Shippy Boot Camp exists to encourage healthy living for senior participants by applying physical fitness training that can be modified for each person. This structured 50-minute workout incorporates all muscle groups, which increases cardio endurance, core strength, flexibility and balance while burning an average of 500 calories. The workout itself is low-impact—minimal…

Living Well Seminar: Medicare up to date details

  Marie Milleage Jackie Hixson, resident and Medicare information specialist, presented another timely, valuable seminar on Wednesday, September 27. With the enrollment period from October 15 to December 7, 2017 Jackie cautioned that the outlook for 2018 is critical with many changes and some options that are different than previously offered. There are numerous considerations…

November Tribe guest speaker Wally Sagui

Wally Sagui

On November 19 at 6:00 p.m. in the CATC Blue Bonnet Room, Wally Sagui will give an inspiring presentation on how to maximize your optimal performance. Learn how to maintain sustainable optimal performance in your life by continuously growing, optimizing your routine and focusing on a purpose. We’ll talk about why we need to rethink…

Three ways pups can improve seniors’ health

(Family Features) Furry friends can play a significant role in pet owners’ lives. The old saying goes, “dogs are man’s best friend,” and research shows they may be more than that. In fact, they just might be the key to keeping seniors active. According to a study conducted by the University of Lincoln and Glasgow…

Caring Connections monthly support group

Are you caring for a loved one with dementia? We can help. Caring Connections is a monthly support group for caregivers of persons with dementia. The support group provides caregivers of persons with dementia an opportunity to learn together and support one another for the purpose of improving the quality of life of the caregiver…