Tag: Kiwanis Club

Meet the newly elected board of Kiwanis at Robson Ranch

The new Kiwanis Board of Directors.

The new Kiwanis Board of Directors. Officers: Carol Rauhauser, president; David Everly, past president; Carl Smothers, president elect; Ralph Bunker, secretary; Marv Daniel, treasurer. Directors: Genny Bunker; Mike Weaver; Kathy Perry; Betsy Sheats, new, two-year term; Gerald Jones, new, two-year term (absent from photo); Bill Wright, new, two-year term New Officers and Directors were installed…

Kiwanis changing lives

Ms. Ruth and her ramp builders: Bruce Walker, Carl Smothers, Jerry Waynant, Dick Anderson and Bill Wright.

Larry Varnes Kiwanis is dedicated to changing lives, one person at a time. Such is certainly the mission for the Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch. Members of Kiwanis are serving as mentors for elementary schools kids at risk in Denton schools, supporting the Boys and Girls Club of North Central Texas, providing scholarships to deserving…

Kiwanis Cookbook a big hit at Model Village open house

The cookbook committee: Carl Smothers, Genny Bunker, Tanya Jones, Vickie Baker, Kathy Lams, Bill Rauhauser, Alice Wright, Alice Uyeda, Joan Petre, Dave Everly and Betsy Sheats.

Larry Varnes The introduction of the Robson Ranch Cookbook was a huge success at the marketing event held in the Model Village on Sunday, September 21. The cookbook introduction was a terrific collaboration between Kiwanis of Robson Ranch, the Robson Ranch Sales team and the Wildhorse Grill. Not only was the cookbook offered for sale…