Sherry Zeise How could you not feel patriotic at Robson Ranch in July! Twenty-five eager New Life Church Lunch Bunch patriots were warmly welcomed to the lovely home of Phil and Martha Crump on Saturday, July 9. Red, white and blue stars, flags, stripes and all combinations of those decorated outfits and tables. On the…
Tag: New Life Church
Religion, July 2016
Pastor’s Corner
Pastor Jim Mann During Jesus’ ministry He asked His followers this rhetorical question, “To what can I compare this generation?” Then he answered it for them, “They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others, ‘We played the flute for you and you did not dance; we sang a dirge and…
Clubs & Classes, May 2016
Joys of summer camp
Sherry Zeise This time 30 delightful ladies gathered at the warmly welcoming home of Billie Connell for New Life Church’s Lunch Bunch on April 9. We spread throughout the living and dining area and outside on the patio. Fellowship was lively and fun. Interestingly and unplanned, several ladies brought various scrumptious rice casseroles while others…
Clubs & Classes, April 2016
A bit O’Feastin’ and Singin’
Sherry Zeise The March meeting of New Life Church’s Ladies Lunch Bunch is always special for three reasons: The first great reason is the food! Our director, Jois Ross, sets the stage for a St. Patty’s Day celebration by cooking up her special, tender and delicious corned beef, and to spare the “faint o’ heart,”…
Clubs & Classes, March 2016
Souped-up to perfection
Sherry Zeise The approaching second Saturday of each month stirs excitement and activity in kitchens of New Life Church ladies around Robson Ranch. They are preparing delicious dishes and desserts to share at the Ladies Lunch Bunch, held at a member’s home, and lovingly and creatively directed by Jois Ross. That’s what the excitement’s about!…
Religion, January 2016
Pastor’s Corner
Pastor Jim Mann In Luke 12 Jesus tells a story of a farmer who had a great harvest, built large barns to store it and planned to sit back and enjoy life. He died before he had the chance. The story ends with this warning, “This is how it will be with anyone who stores…
Religion, December 2015
Pastor’s Corner
Pastor Jim Mann Two millennia ago, nine months before the first Christmas, a miracle took place in the village of Nazareth. That day a young girl was filled with the Spirit of God, and she received an amazing gift—a gift for the entire world. That day God’s life flowed through her and brought the promise…
Religion, October 2015
Pastor’s Corner
Pastor Jim Mann In his first letter to the Corinthian church, Paul wrote: But if an unbeliever or someone who does not understand comes in while everybody is prophesying, he will be convinced by all that he is a sinner and will be judged by all and the secrets of his heart will be laid…
Religion, September 2015
Pastor’s Corner
Pastor Jim Mann Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness—without it no one will see the Lord. (Hebrews 12:14, HCSB) The Bible tells us we are to pursue (sometimes translated as hunt for) holiness and peace. That verb is instructive, I believe, because neither holiness nor peace is our natural bent as humans. Cain discovered that…
Religion, July 2015
Pastor’s Corner
Pastor Jim Mann What to wear? Have you ever stood at the closet door asking that very question, or perhaps sat waiting on your spouse who is attempting to answer that question? Well, the answer’s easier than you might think. The Apostle Paul gives us the answer in his letter to the Colossians. “Therefore, as…