Polar Bear League

Peggy Puckett Where do WGA Polar Bears go when they come out of hibernation, even if it’s only for a brief three and a half hours? Well, if the temperature was at least 38 degrees, many of them showed up for a chilly round of golf. From Jan. 7 through Feb. 25, those members of…

Wild About Champions!

Ana Corey, Publicity Chair There are many definitions for the word “wild”: “not ordinarily tame,” “not subject to restraint or regulation,” “emotionally overcome,” “passionately eager or enthusiastic,” and “going beyond normal or conventional bounds.” So, to use the word “wild” when describing the RRWGA Champions tournament is appropriate. The two-day tournament held on Sept. 29…

Black and White Team on Fire—Wins Match Play!

Ana Corey Everything came out Black and White in the end, as they were the winners of the 2024 annual RRWGA Match Play Tournament. Six teams consisting of 12 golfers (four men and eight women) in pairs according to flights started the event on Monday morning, June 17. The weather was a bit overcast with…

RRWGA Play in Member/Member Tournament

Ana Corey On April 16 temperatures started in the 60s and warmed up to the 70s, the perfect spring day for 88 ladies to gather at the Wildhorse Grill to hear golf pro Craig Pullen share his top 10 reasons you shouldn’t play golf. However, that was not the real reason 88 ladies flocked to…

The Living Legacy of our Pioneer Putters

Ana Corey, Publicity Chair In just the blink of a swing, it has been a little over 20 years since the Robson Ranch Women’s Golf Club was formed in the Fall of 2003. All but one of the founding officers still live at the Ranch, as do many of the original officers and committee chairs.…

Gratitude Is Our Attitude

Ana Corey, Publicity Chair Gratitude is the attitude, and our attitude is huge! All the members and golfers who participated in the RRWGA 2023 Hoof n Heels Tournament would like to extend a huge thank you to all the sponsors. The event was a big success this year, but we know that the event would…

RRWGA Celebrates the Member/Member Tournament

Ana Corey Sixty-two individuals who comprise part of the RRWGA stepped onto the golf course on Aug. 15 to play in the annual Member/Member Tournament. The weather was much cooler than more recent days, with a high of only 99 degrees and that morning a downright cold 72 degrees. This was a welcome remembrance of…

RRWGA’s Match Play Strikes a Fire

Ana Corey This year’s Match Play hosted by the WGA was a great success, with two beautiful days of golf! Forty-eight golfers met at the home of Co-Chair Susan Miloser on May 12 to draw up the six teams who would compete in the 15th Annual Match Play Tournament. Susan and fellow Co-Chair Gail Hicks…

Teeing Up Lemons and Limes

Ana Corey Spring has sprung, with the Robson Ranch Women’s Golf Association (RRWGA) ladies swinging towards a new season full of lemons and limes—drinks, that is! On March 7, which was the official kickoff to the 2023 season, 54 ladies stood ready to tee it up. The morning weather was beautiful—in the mid-70s with minimal…