Tag: Support Our Troops

U.S. Military History: The Star-Spangled Banner

Ross Dunfee At the outset of the 19th century, Great Britain was locked in a long and bitter conflict with Napoleon Bonaparte’s France. Both France and Great Britain attempted to block the United States from trading with the other, and restrict the USA from westward expansion. Beginning in 1812, Napoleon began to encounter the first…

O Say Can You See—the 4th of July Parade!

Dianne Edmondson It truly was a picture-perfect July 4 at Robson Ranch. The Parade Committee, Steve and Rose DePoe and Debra and Gary Nogueva, had worked long and hard to put together more than 500 parade entries, which stretched for as far as the eye could see early that Independence Day morning, assisted on that…

Military History: Women in War

Ross Dunfee Women have been participants in war since time began. In colonial days women used firearms to protect home, property, and loved ones. During the Revolution, Civil War, World Wars, and multiple other skirmishes, women often fought quietly alongside male comrades, but not as part of the uniformed services. During WWII able-bodied men were…

SOT Golf Tournament Is a Smashing Success!

Lynne Moore Support Our Troops held its most successful golf tournament to date. The net income from the tournament was over $22,000, which will all go to supporting our troops. We sold out all the golfers’ openings, and even had folks on the waiting list. Five active military participated this year, and we had five…

Support Our Troops News

Lynne Moore SOT has many activities that are ongoing and coming up in the next month. As of early February, we are supporting nine deployed troops. They are in many places, including Japan, Korea, the UK, and in the waters off Greece. This past month, we sent out 35 boxes of goodies to these troops.…

Support Our Troops Annual Golf Tournament Coming Up

Lynne Moore Coming up on Friday, April 29, is the 14th Annual Fidelity Investments SOT Golf Tournament and fundraiser. Although we will not be housing troops in our homes due to COVID-19, Robson residents with military family members on active duty or active reserve are welcome to invite them to play. Their tournament participation will…

U.S. Military History: U.S. Navy Flag, Seal, and Song

Ross Dunfee Flag—What do you think of by reading the following list: Fluked, Admiralty, Stockless, Grapnel, Herreshoff, Northill, CQR, Delta, Danforth, and Bruce? If your answer was “various kinds of anchors,” you are correct. The first (unofficial) flag of the Continental Navy, called the Infantry Battalion Flag, was adopted December 1864. It consisted of a…

Some U.S. Navy History

Ross Dunfee Prior to the American Revolution, the colonies had no naval forces, but did have a large maritime population and many merchant vessels employed in domestic and foreign trade. That merchant service was familiar not only with the sea but also with warfare. On Oct. 13, 1775, the Continental Congress authorized the first Navy.…

Support Our Troops Veterans Auction a Great Success!

Lynne Moore The Support Our Troops (SOT) Silent Auction held on Veterans Day was a wonderful success. We had dozens of items that were donated or purchased and resulted in terrific interest and lots of enthusiasm from the purchasers. There were also lots of gift cards for restaurants, nail salons, automotive repair, lessons, gift cards…