Tag: Support Our Troops

Robson Ranch Sassy Stampers meeting update

Joyce Martin, Robson Ranch Sassy Stampers April Bayne was the winner of the monthly drawing for her summer themed card at the May meeting of Sassy Stampers receiving a gift card to a local craft supply retailer. Sondra Hall was chosen as the winner of the Challenge Card using a special folding technique, also winning…

SOT honors vets, encourages young patriots

  Dianne Edmondson Robson Ranch Support Our Troops was glad to be a part of the recent event honoring 21 Medal of Honor awardees on their way to the special annual ceremonies held in Gainesville. We were happy to partner with a group of young leaders from Argyle’s Young Men’s Service League for this endeavor.…

Golf with the good guys

  Dianne Edmondson Here in Robson Ranch, we’d all agree that those who put their lives on the line for the rest of us are the “good guys”, such as our first responders and our military personnel. On May 3 and 4, Support Our Troops (SOT) will sponsor its annual golf tournament and for the…

YOU can be a part of Support Our Troops!

  Darin Burk Many Robson Ranch residents mistakenly think that the Support Our Troops organization is comprised only of veterans. However, our membership is open for any Robson Ranch residents to join, as our mission is to “Provide for the material, physical and emotional needs of our military men and women at home and abroad”…

Operation Shower “Hugs and Kisses” – A baby shower honoring military families whose husbands are deployed

  Mary Nordenson Operation Support is a volunteer non-profit organization coordinating baby showers across the country for moms-to-be whose husbands from any branch of the military are currently deployed. Annually, there are 17 showers each hosting 40 mothers-to-be. Since 2016, The Yarn Divas have coordinated efforts with The Material Girls and The Sassy Stampers to…

Vietnam era veterans honored by SOT

  Dianne Edmondson Did you or someone you love serve our country between November 1955 and March 1975? If so, those individuals are a part of the Vietnam Era and the Robson Ranch Support Our Troops group held a special recognition for about 60 such veterans at its February meeting. The veterans were recognized by…

Support Our Troops reports record breaking year

Dianne Edmondson Hundreds of homemade cookies and dozens of Christmas gift cards made their way to military personnel last December, thanks to the Support Our Troops organization here in Robson Ranch. Robson Ranch Sweeties were the elves who baked the cookies. This group presently supports 82 military men and women who are relatives of Robson…

Record crowd attends SOT Veterans’ Day ceremony

  Dianne Edmondson Several hundred people gathered at 9:00 a.m. on a chilly Saturday, November 11, morning at the Veterans Park between the Grill and the Clubhouse to participate in the Support Our Troops memorial ceremony. The attendees were serenaded by the Robson Chamber Music Ensemble who delighted the crowd with patriotic tunes and then…

SOT gratefully receives donations enabling many boxes to reach our troops

  Dianne Edmondson Another successful year for the Support Our Troops organization is about to be concluded. At its November meeting SOT President Susan Galbraith introduced an array of committee reports, which painted a colorful picture of the group’s exciting accomplishments. One of those reports was from the Featherheads, a group of Robson golfers who…

Holiday season Brick Drive

Darin Burk Due to the continued interest in the Robson Ranch Veterans Park we are conducting a Holiday Season Brick Drive. If you haven’t gotten around to purchasing a brick for that veteran in your life, consider a commemorative brick as a gift this holiday season. The RR Veterans Park currently pays tribute to over…