Tag: Tennis

Upcoming events for Tennis Club

Dianne Ace The Tennis Club held its annual Oktoberfest Fall Tournament October 17 followed by brats on the grill at the home of Elaine and Edward Barnett. Winners of the tournament were Ellen Gilgore and Jim Gregg. The next event the Tennis Club will be holding is the Christmas party on December 4 at the…

Tennis Club Oktoberfest

Dianne Ace The Tennis Club will celebrate October with an Octoberfest Fun Tournament on October 17. We will play tennis for a couple of hours and then continue the party at a member’s home with brats and beverages. We are expecting to finally enjoy some cool weather for this event. On September 19 the Tennis…

Breakfast at Wimbledon

The Tennis Club’s “Breakfast at Wimbledon”

Edward Barnett The Robson Ranch Tennis Club met for their Breakfast at Wimbledon tennis mixer on June 20. Twenty hearty players turned out for the event in the warm North Texas weather. Twenty players meant that there were no byes during the six rounds of play, so all players were on the court for the…

Tennis Club news

The Semi-Finalists Jerry Killingsworth, Sandy DeVincenzo, Andrew DuBose and Ellen Gilgore

Edward Barnett After a week weather delay from March 14 to March 21, 25 hearty tennis players arrived for the Robson Ranch Tennis Club March Madness event. Most players were decked out in shirts from their alma mater or favorite college in the midst of the “Sweet 16” portion of March Madness. After drawing a…

USTA Robson Ranch Women’s Tennis Team news

Pictured during a match in April, left to right: Linda Grandfield, Joyce Kain, Captain Catherine Bass, Pat Weber, Co-captain Dee Dale, Elaine Barnett, Marcia Harnly and Patrice Forsyth. Not pictured are team members Elizabeth Tesoriero, Sandy DeVincenzo, Paula Hemingway and Doris Wilson.

The current Robson Ranch Woman’s Tennis team is a 3.5 adult league (no age restrictions but you must be 21). We play three lines of doubles and two lines of singles. Teams in our division are Colleyville City Park, Bryan Nelson, Denton Country Club, Highland Shores, Lifetime Fitness in Colleyville, Richland Hills Tennis Center (two…

Tennis Time

Don Skokan, treasurer; Linda Grandfield, secretary; Edward Barnett, vice president; and Dianne Ace, president

Edward Barnett This year’s officers of the Robson Ranch Tennis Club, Dianne Ace, president; Edward Barnett, vice-president; Don Skokan, treasurer and Linda Grandfield, secretary, met and planned the March Madness Tennis Mixer scheduled for 1:00 p.m. March 21, 2015. Since it’s during NCAA’s March Madness, we ask participants to show their colors by wearing a…

Tennis Club enjoyed Octoberfest mixer

Members of the Tennis Club celebrating Octoberfest.

Dianne Ace On Saturday evening, October 25, the members of the Robson Ranch Tennis Club got together for a tennis mixer. Twenty-six tennis players competed in a format which allowed them to advance to a higher court if they won but move to the lower court if they lost their match. Each match was played…