Pat Sabo, Melba Beckham and RRWC President Mala Bowdouris visit prior to the September Luncheon program.

Greeters for the September RRWC Luncheon: Geraldine Gawle, Mary Ann Rich, Diane Massey, Bonnie West and Barbara Warren.
Susan Hebert
The theme of the September 2 Robson Ranch Women’s Club (RRWC) monthly meeting was to meet and hear about the exciting life of the Texas Rangers field reporter, Emily Jones McCoy.
Before the program began, RRWC President Mala Bowdouris reported the club currently has 399 members. At this time the membership dues for the remainder of the year are $10. President Mala Bowdouris explained to the membership that the dues are the only way that the club has funds to pay for programs, door prizes, decorations etc. Revenue to be carried into 2015 is $2,500.00 and funds for net operating expenses are $2,828.57.
Community Relations Chairperson Suzanne Cote moved that the by-laws as presented be accepted by the Women’s Club members. Club member Chris White seconded the motion. Motion was passed by the membership.
Judy Ruggiero announced that our Holiday Market is October 11, and we have lots of new vendors. Ladies will find all kinds of possibilities for gifts, decorations and even food items at this event. The hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. Bring your neighbors! Also, the Holiday Home tour is December 7. Tickets for the home tour will be available at the Holiday Market and on sale at the clubhouse. Funds raised at these events will support our charities: Holiday Market charities are Ann’s Haven and Women to Women, while the Holiday Home Tour will benefit Community Clothes Closet and Hearts for Homes. Plan to bring your family and friends to these events to help support our charities.
Vice President Darla Mahan encouraged the membership to wear Halloween attire to the October luncheon. Darla reported that the program for October would be the Ghost Lady of Denton.
Darla then introduced the guest speaker for the day, Emily Jones McCoy, Texas Rangers Field Reporter. Emily Jones McCoy has built a reputation among Texas Rangers fans and players for her professionalism in sports journalism. She spent almost 10 years with Fox Sports Southwest before she joined the ball club exclusively last fall. She entertained us with stories of her life as a female sports reporter and Texas Rangers field reporter.
Plan to join us October 6 for a Hauntingly Good Time at the Women’s Club meeting and on October 11 for a Shopping Good Time at the Holiday Market!
To find out more about the Robson Ranch Women’s Club, visit our website at: www.rrwomensclub.org.