New officers: Marti Conley, Nancy Burns, Sheryl Cook, Bob Cook, Judy Riffel-Karr, and Lois Mitchell
Darla Chupp
It is definitely the dog days of summer! However, the members of the After Schoolers Club are eagerly looking for cooler weather along with the opening of Denton schools that are right around the corner. The After Schoolers officers have already had planning sessions for the school year anticipating that our local teachers from our two “adopted schools,” Borman Elementary School and LaGrone Advanced Technology Complex, will need even more support for what could be another challenging year. This support usually includes monetary gifts, gift cards, and culinary treats; and when the need arises may include grants and scholarships. Funding is achieved through the biannual Community Garage Sales that are sponsored by the After Schoolers Club. Save the date: The Fall Community Garage Sale is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, October 17. Look for more information and updates through the HOA announcements and the message board.
Our kick off meeting for the 2020-21 school year is scheduled for September 11 at 10:30 a.m. at the clubhouse. Please join us! We meet on the second Friday of the month from September through June. The annual dues are $15.00.
If you have a passion for education and a desire to serve, please join us. For further information, contact Co-Presidents Judy Riffel-Karr at 940-262-0160 or Nancy Burns at 214-403-5541.
Other officers are Vice-President Marti Conley, Treasurer Lois Mitchell, and Secretaries Bob and Sheryl Cook.
Please note: The school opening date for local public schools has been altered. This will make the school year even more challenging. The teachers will be required to offer educational instruction to those students who are on campus and to those who have chosen to learn via virtual education. The After Schoolers Club is committed to our mission of “the promotion of activities and education for supporting teachers and staff at schools adopted by club membership” and will enthusiastically welcome monetary donations for this cause.