One of the devices the Denton Public Library uses to preserve old text and articles
Linda Bono
The Denton Public Library (DPL) offers many resources, some of which you may not be familiar with. You might want to check their website www.library.cityofdenton.com to learn more about what they offer. Additionally, DPL librarians will be visiting Robson Ranch to provide, explain, and demonstrate some of their resources on March 18 and April 5.
On Friday, March 18, from 10 a.m. to noon, DPL librarians will be in the Robson Ranch Library, in the CATC building, to sign residents up for DPL cards and to answer questions about using e-readers to download e-books, audio books, movies, and other materials available digitally from the Denton Public Library. Expiring library cards can also be renewed. Do you have questions about CloudLibrary or Hoopla? They’ll be able to answer them! For this special library card and e-reader assistance program for Robson residents, you will need to bring a photo ID (driver’s license, state ID, passport, etc.) and some kind of bill/document with your name and address on it. If your photo ID has your current address on it, that will suffice as proof of residence. If you need e-reader assistance, it would be best to bring your e-reader with you to the Robson Library.
On Tuesday, April 5, from 10 a.m. to noon, the DPL Outreach Librarian, Haley Phillips, will present an interesting and informative program on DPL resources in the Bluebonnet Room in the CATC building. Do you want to find out more about your family history? Are you interested in learning about the history of Denton, or do you just love all things related to Texas? Do you have old videotapes, slides, or photographs that need to be digitized? The Special Collections Department of the Denton Public Library can help with all of those things. If you have an interest in these topics, please join us for this special program covering Genealogy, Denton History, and Archival Resources available at the Denton Public Library. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, too. You might find bringing your laptop or tablet to the program will be helpful in following along, but it is not required. Denton Public Library cards are not required to attend this program, but library cards are required to use DPL resources. So, if you don’t yet have a Denton Public Library card, stop in the Robson Library on March 18 between 10 and noon to easily obtain one. Of course, you can also obtain a library card at one of the three DPL branches.
The Robson Library has not yet scheduled the dates, but they hope to offer additional sessions for obtaining DPL cards and e-reader assistance in 2022. They also hope to offer more presentations on DPL resources, including The Forge Makerspace at the North Branch Library and a program on Databases, Tutorials, and Learning Tools.