The Dallas Tap Dazzlers
If you come to the December luncheon of the Robson Ranch Women’s Club on Dec. 6 (doors open at 11 a.m., and lunch is served at 11:30 a.m.), you will see plenty of toe tapping, because the featured entertainment will be the Dallas Tap Dazzlers. You will also have a wonderful meal of baked ham, roasted potatoes, Chef’s vegetables, and lemon Italian cream cake—that sounds like an early Christmas dinner.
Dallas Tap Dazzlers, a non-profit organization of senior women, formed in 1990 with seven members. Today, the membership is 20 strong, whose average age is 69. There are few who are in their 80s. This group has performed in over 3500 events and with high praise for the dazzling costumes, high kicks, and gorgeous legs. The founder and principal choreographer Fran Dempsey started early on with dance troupes as an officer in the Kilgore Rangerettes. The Dazzlers perform complex tap steps, done in precision and line formations. The motto of this amazing group is, “If you rest, you rust.” This sounds like a motto that we should all adopt.
The group has performed in regional and national dance competitions, and they have been featured in numerous news publications. They have performed as an opening act for Lee Greenwood, and they have participated in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. The group won first place in San Antonio’s Battle of the Flowers Parade and were featured on the front page of the city’s newspaper. They have performed at state and national pageants and on major television stations. The group’s mission is to inspire others to stay physically fit while enjoying the camaraderie with those who enjoy tap dancing.
Be sure to sign up so that you can enjoy chatting with your neighbors and friends, have a pleasant lunch, and do some discreet toe tapping in your chair while you watch the Dallas Tap Dazzlers impress us with their talents.
The charity of the month for December is the Friends of the Family.
To join us at this meeting, please make your reservations by the deadline of noon, Nov. 30. You can drop your $19 check made out to the RRWC in the White Mailbox in the Women’s Lounge of the Cimarron Sports Center, or pay using PayPal. To do so, go to the RRWC website at www.rrwomensclub.org.