Voices Women Tour Dallas Holocaust Museum for Jewish Heritage Month

Voices United members visit the Dallas Holocaust Museum for Jewish American Heritage Month. (Photo by Janie Cindric)
Janie Cindric
May is Jewish American Heritage Month, so to further our understanding of the Jewish experience, Robson Voices United members visited the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum.
The trip was sponsored by our Diversity in Action Committee. The docent-led tour of the Holocaust wing was sobering and informative. Our docent shared that the museum regularly gets close to 600 students a day during the school year, and most of them have very little knowledge of the Holocaust.
Our group was able to interact with a Holocaust survivor by using high-definition recording, voice activation, and holographic imagery. We asked questions of Matus Stolov, and he responded through this incredible technology, which is only available in a few places in the country. It was an engaging experience.
The museum’s Human Rights wing focuses on the United Nations’ declaration of human rights for all. There were also many examples of genocide in our world in another gallery.
The message our group took away is not to be a bystander, but to be an upstander and stand up against injustice in your daily life. As Albert Einstein said, “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
Voices United is a non-partisan group of Robson Ranch women who share progressive values, perform community outreach, provide civic awareness and social contact for members—and have a good time! We’re a 501(c)(3) group. Our annual dues are $20.
For more information, contact [email protected] or visit our website www.voicesunitedrr.org.
Summertime Fun for Voices United

Voices United baby photo contestants, now all grown up (photo by Vicki Baker)
Vicki Baker
It’s summertime, and the living is easy. No surprise that nearly three in five Americans say summer is the best season to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. With that being said, the Voices United Social Committee planned an entertaining and relaxed program for its June meeting—“Guess the Baby Photo Contest.”
Now, let the fun begin! Members of the Steering Committee and committee chairs were asked to submit baby photos of themselves. Then, at the monthly luncheon, the photos were projected on the screen while we all tried to guess which chubby-faced, drooling infant corresponded to each of our fellow members. In the end, there were four winners with the most correct guesses.
What a fun occasion reminiscing over fond childhood memories with many unexpected laughs. It was time spent with a committed group of women who share progressive values, perform community outreach, provide civic awareness, and know how to have a good time! If you’d like more information regarding Voices United, a 501(c)(3) organization of non-partisan RR women, contact [email protected].
Voices United—A Proud Ally

Voices United (Vicki Baker, Jane Scholz, Margo Ways, Joan Pursley, and Elaine Kushmaul) shared the rainbow vibes at Pride Night Out on the Square. (Photo by Vicki Baker)
Vicki Baker
In June 1999, President Bill Clinton declared every June as Pride Month. In 2011 President Barack Obama expanded the officially recognized month-long celebration. After taking office in 2021, President Joe Biden reaffirmed the occasion. And in May 2023, the President and First Lady hosted a picnic and concert at the White House to commemorate Pride Month.
Denton is well known for celebrating year-round, but throughout June 2023, the city offered a month filled with a variety of activities and events to show support, observe, listen, and be educated. Members of Voices United attended Pride Night Out on the Square, a fun downtown gathering with food, speakers, and contests. The evening-long event showcased businesses and organizations that support PriDenton. Instead of watching floats pass by, local businesses, organizations, and vendors were the floats with their decorated tents set up on and around the courthouse lawn.
As a proud ally, Voices United supports the generations of people who have fought to live openly and authentically. Pride Month is a reminder that there is still work to do to ensure that everyone enjoys the full promise of equity, dignity, protection, and freedom. As President Biden proclaimed, “Let us celebrate the pride that powers the movement and commit to doing our part to help realize the promise of America for all Americans.” We must all work towards a future without discrimination and inspire, educate, commemorate, and celebrate our diverse communities.
Voices Members Were Wide Awake at Their Un-Sleepover

Voices United members sported PJs for an Un-sleepover at the home of Lisa Olson, which included crafts, trivia, and a movie. (Photo by Michele Kibler)
Michele Kibler
All the fun of a sleepover, but you get to go home and sleep in your own bed! This was the theme of a social event for Voices United members, an Un-sleepover Party, on June 8. Our members gathered in pajamas or loungewear at the home of Lisa Olson to enjoy pizza, popcorn, snacks, and treats and plenty of conversation and catching up.
After the pizza, we took a group photo and participated in a chick flick trivia contest. Our host Lisa Olson won the contest with a score of 9 out of 10 and a tie-breaker question! Members had the opportunity to create a decorated picture frame that would hold the group photo, which was printed out so members could take one home.
Members then voted which chick flick movie to watch, and everyone enjoyed the showing of Miss Congeniality! Some had never seen the movie before, and for most it had been a long time. It was greatly enjoyed by all! After the movie, everyone gathered up her copy of the group picture and headed home to her own bed!