Robson Ranch Democratic Club members Vicki Baker and Margo Ways sharing our message at the HOA Club Open House
Vicki Baker
Who are we? We’re proud Democrats. We’re proud Robson Ranch residents. We’re proud Robson Ranch Democrats. The HOA Club Open House provided the ideal setting to further introduce ourselves and showcase who we are.
So, who are we? We are proud Democrats who have changed significantly during our more than two centuries of existence. We acknowledge the dark moments in our history during the 19th century when the party supported or tolerated slavery and opposed civil rights reforms after the Civil War in order to retain the support of Southern voters. Yet, by the mid-20th century, we had undergone a dramatic ideological realignment and re-established ourselves as a party supporting the civil rights of minorities, environmental protections, workers’ rights, and progressive reforms.
So, who are we? We are proud Democrats with key accomplishments of the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote; President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal programs, including Social Security, the G.I. Bill, and electrifying rural America; President John F. Kennedy’s moon shot; the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act of 1964 under President Lyndon B. Johnson; and President Barack Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
So, who are we? We are proud Democrats who believe our diversity is our strength, and democracy is worth defending.
This is who we are, and so much more. The Robson Ranch Democratic Club knows our future is shaped by each and every one of us in the many important fights ahead. Plan to own a piece of this movement and join us on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the clubhouse. To find out more, visit our website, www.rrdemocraticclub.com, follow us on Facebook, or contact [email protected].