Why Yoga? ‘Golf,’ Says One Robson Yogi

Robson resident Joe Gosmano demonstrates the “seal” pose in his yoga class in the Cimarron Fitness Center. This pose restores natural curvature in the lumbar spine and promotes connective tissue regeneration in the sacral area. (Photo by Susan Engstrom)

During a typical week, there are yoga classes at Robson Ranch spread across all seven days. The dozens of residents in these classes are there for a variety of reasons. Joe Gusmano is there three days a week to improve his golf game.

Over the next few months, here in the Pioneer Press, you’ll meet several Robson yogis and find out why they added yoga practice to their exercise regimen.

Joe, 76, is retired from sales of industrial engineering equipment to refineries. He moved to Robson four years ago, and that’s when he got serious about yoga, though he had been doing yoga off and on for 20 years. “It makes me feel better and gives me a sense of accomplishment,” he said. “Most important, it improves my golf game.” Joe plays golf five days a week. He says that the improvements in his flexibility, lower back strength, breathing, balance, and focus have cut two strokes off his golf game.

Talking about the improvement in focus, he attributed this to setting his intention to focus on his body and movement at the start of each yoga class. (This is a typical part of most yoga practices.) “In golf, you need to focus on where you want your ball to go and how you hit it. Yoga helps me trust that I can focus on the game when I hit the ball,” he said.

Yoga classes at Robson range from beginner and relaxation-focused classes to more energetic and difficult sessions. All classes are in the fitness classroom of the Cimarron Fitness Center.

Susan Engstrom, 70, certified yoga instructor who has lived at Robson for 17 years and taught yoga here for 12 years, said, “Several individuals have mentioned to me that they are not flexible, they have no balance, but they need cardio stimulation. My response to those concerns is that it does not matter what condition you are in. You will achieve cardio, balance, and flexibility through yoga.”

All yoga classes are $5. Your first class is free. See a list of classes and times at yogayatra.punchpass.com/classes.

You can sign up for Susan Engstrom’s classes via the link or just show up to any class your first time and ask the teacher about payment and discounts. Teachers’ names are on the schedule.

You can reach out to teachers at:

Susan Engstrom, [email protected], 214-632-9110

Veronica Hollenshead, 817-996-2667

Susan Cope, 850-624-7191

Dana Lodwick, 561-827-6416