Widows Sharing Hope Quarterly Meet ‘n’ Greet

Bobbi Stringer

On Sept. 7 the Widows Sharing Hope group, a ministry of the Women Sharing Hope organization, held its quarterly Meet ‘n’ Greet with a Labor Day theme. The ladies were invited to dress in a way that symbolically represented what they did in their pre-retirement days. For the opening ice breaker, they shared with one another about the various jobs and/or professions from the past or, in some cases, present. From Linda Smith’s cloak and dagger attire representing her career with the CIA to Carol Miller’s work as a nurse and current Red Cross volunteer leader to stay-at-home moms, a wide variety of careers were represented, and they learned about each other and from each other.

As usual, the planning team presented a beautiful sweet, salty, and tasty menu that consisted of meatballs with cranberry sauce, mushroom and shrimp vol-au-vents, taquitos, charcuterie board, vegetable tray, brownie bites, strawberries with cream cups, and mini meringues with Arnold Palmer and Mango Mule drinks.

Valda Bowdoin gave an inspiring presentation of jobs she held during her professional career, telling how God opened doors for her and provided for her during the ups and during the downs of her life.

The next quarterly Widows Sharing Hope Meet ‘n’ Greet will be the Christmas party on Saturday, Dec. 7. If you’re a Robson Ranch widow and have not yet received an invitation to the Meet ‘n’ Greets, please let us know by contacting Bobbi Stringer at [email protected].

Women Sharing Hope exists to develop friendships, grow in faith, and share God’s love. We welcome all ladies to join us at our monthly meetings, usually held on the second Friday of the month at 10 a.m. at the clubhouse.