Women Know the Power of the Purse

Republican Club VP Suzie Kardong-Edgren and Texas Strong Republican Women President Mary Stimek have their arms full of auction items! (Photo by Lynne Kelsey)

Mary Stimek

On Saturday, Aug. 26, at 6 p.m., Texas Strong Republican Women will hold the third biennial Power of the Purse Auction at the Robson Ranch clubhouse. The event is co-sponsored by the Robson Ranch Republican Club, and members of the Liberty Belles will be helping out at the event. Our guest speaker is Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne, and Denton County Sheriff Tracy Murphree will once again serve as the celebrity auctioneer.

Two years ago, Texas Strong Republican Women raised enough money to donate $10,000 to 15 candidates in the 2022 election. All but one was elected or re-elected. This time, our goal is to try and double the amount raised, but to do that, we need your help.

Texas Strong is looking for donations of new or “gently used” designer purses. Last year we received donations that included Versace, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, and others. We also had several unique evening bags and patriotic-themed purses. To donate an item, contact Barb Martin at B.Martin0413@gmail.com by Aug. 18. There will be gorgeous bags to be had!

This year we will also have items of interest to the men. A selection of knives has been donated, and Sheriff Murphree and Constable Danny Fletcher will be making very special donations to the auction items, so bring those gentlemen along!

Tickets for the dinner and auction are $65 and are available at texasstrongrw.org/power-of-the-purse. Come enjoy an evening of dinner, an engaging speaker, and fun shopping on Aug. 26!