Back (left to right): Debbie Calevich, Jeannie Jerke, Kris Wichern, Jaki Mathis; front (left to right): Nell Ritchie, Theresa Peoples, Ruth Womack, Linda Buishas (photo by Debbie Calevich)
There was laughter and tears, prayers and praising our loving God for putting this particular Praise, Prayer, and Play (PPP) group of loving, supportive women together. On June 2 we dined on a delicious meal prepared by our gracious hostess Jeannie Jerke while surrounded by loving smiles, tender stories, prayers, praise, and hope. The “play” portion began with rock painting, which belied playful moods and displayed varied talents and messages to loved ones. We then moved on to Jeannie’s beautiful, secluded pool and garden where conversation flowed effortlessly and bonds full of trust, friendship, and love continued to grow.
Praise, Prayer, and Play groups each consist of no more than 12 women who meet once a month at various places to pray, praise, and participate in an activity chosen by the hostess. The women in each group take turns hosting once a year. Each group usually meets on a predetermined day of the week each month.
The PPP group’s mission is to encourage lifelong friendships as we support and love each other while growing in our walk with our Lord Jesus Christ. Whether it’s a meal, pool party, games, adventurous outings, or sightseeing, conversations light or profound, there are always prayers for one another and their individual requests, praise of our Lord for His abundant love and grace, and thanksgiving for these beloved women He has placed in each of our paths.
There are now four Praise, Prayer, and Play groups and counting. If you are interested in learning more or signing up to participate in a group, feel free to contact Theresa Peoples at 214-577-4616 or [email protected]. Be assured that there’s a PPP for everyone.
Women Sharing Hope exists to develop friendships, grow in faith, and share God’s love. We meet the third Friday of each month at 10 a.m. at the clubhouse where we gather to strengthen our walk with God by learning more about Him and His love for us. Each month has a different theme and different guest speakers who address situations and issues many of us deal with in our daily lives. In addition to the PPP groups, Women Sharing Hope also has several outreach programs that support the Robson Ranch community, which include a Widows Support program, Robson Angels Supporting Caregivers, and Games for Dames.
If interested in receiving invitations to Women Sharing Hope monthly meetings, please contact Catherine Simpson at 817-707-7707 or [email protected]. Watch for the Punchbowl invitation each month. Please come. Whether in PPP, one of our other groups, or at our Women Sharing Hope meetings, we would love to get to know you!