United Way Group, front: Mark Musgrove, JoAnn Bostwick and Frank Hunter; back: Tom Holland, Leonard Becker and Boyce Irwin
Jo Bostwick
As part of their Day of Action, United Way of Denton wanted to construct 28 Little Free Libraries for their reading initiative program. The program targeted sites located within the community where children do not have easy access to books. United Way had the lumber and volunteer teams to assemble the libraries but no means to get the parts cut to the correct specifications.
Robson Ranch Woodworkers to the rescue. Our members volunteered over 80 man hours, cut more than 650 pieces of wood and built 30 doors with plexiglass windows to make 30 Little Free Libraries.
We had such an outpouring of support that an estimated two-week project was completed in three days—just our way of supporting the local United Way of Denton.
If you would like to become a woodworker, just stop by the shop and sign up for our safety training class, or call our president, Joey Misiaszek, at 940-262-3543.