Ray Wazny, left, Jeremy Trietsch and Joe Misiaszek

The check presenter
JoAnn Bostwick
After years of using boring old black check presenters, which are in almost every restaurant, Jeremy A. Trietsch, Food & Beverage Manager at the Wildhorse Grill, approached the Woodworkers Club seeking unique check presenters. His goal was a more distinct look. The timing of this request was perfect in that the dining facility was to receive a significant expansion and upgrade.
Joey Misiaszek met with Jeremy to get a feel as to what they wanted. Jeremy wanted a type of tray that was different and representative of the Wildhorse Grill.
Joey incorporated the help of Ray Wazny to create a new, more rustic design. Several templates were presented to Jeremy before the design was finalized.
How, you ask? By making beautiful handmade wooden check presenters for the wait staff and our guests. They created the presenters with several designs that used maple on black walnut and black walnut on maple, a slot to hold credit cards and even a holder for after dinner mints or change. To make this check presenter unique, each unit has a handmade Wildhorse logo engraved and burned on the top. Jeremy was able to find purple rubber bands with the Wildhorse name embedded. This held the receipt and pen on the plate. This new check presenter has added a touch of class to our Grill and turned it into an excellent dining experience.
The feedback from customers has been fantastic.