Members Zooming on Jan. 26, 2021
Don Pooley
The Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club met online (using Zoom) on Jan. 26, to conduct its annual meeting and to allow members, who have been at home for the past few months, to say hi and share stories. During the meeting, the club’s 2021 dues were approved and the 2021 club’s officers were elected. The club’s officers and their area of responsibility are Rosemary Simecek, treasurer; Don Pooley, secretary; Jim Doyle, equipment; Linda Provenzano, publicist; Peter Hollatz, photos; and David Holmes, at-large representative.
The number of club members receiving their COVID-19 vaccine shots continues to grow and we’re hoping to return to doubles play in the next couple of months. You are invited to join other members of the club in our 2021 play sessions, as they continue their exercise, enhancing their skills, and participation in our community of player members.
The Robson Ranch Table Tennis play sessions conform to the Robson Ranch and CDC sanitizing and social distancing guidelines. All play session participants are encouraged to practice good hand sanitizing habits, to maintain social distancing, and limit direct contact with other players. Face coverings are required to enter the Sports Center, but are not required during the active play session. Current table tennis play session schedule times are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from noon to 2:15 p.m., and Sunday from 10 to 11:45 a.m. in the gym; and Tuesday and Thursday from noon to 2:15 p.m. in the multi-purpose room.
For the latest updates on our activities and COVID-19 re-opening announcements, follow the club on Facebook at Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club, www.facebook.com/RRDTTC.