David Holmes
Saturday was perfect weather for the Hiking Club’s monthly hike. We met at the trailhead for a 3.5-mile moderate hike along the nature trail at Trophy Club Park. Along the way, we spotted a few deer and admired the wildflowers in bloom, which made the experience even better. Thanks to Christi Upton, our hike leader, who posted the trail map, we all got to know when to take the right fork in the trail. Unlike our previous hike, Wes saved the day by placing rocks in the creek, making our crossings dry crossings!
As with all of our Saturday hikes, the after-hike brunch gave us a chance to get to know each other better. It also feels like our hike earned us permission to enjoy a waffle. Breakfast Club 51 welcomed our hungry group.
Come join us on GroupMe at groupme.com/join_group/102962971/c9597yPk for the next hike.