Ana Corey
The Robson Ranch Women’s Golf Association closed out the 2024 season with commemorations and celebration. The ladies all gathered with festive spirits to celebrate the season at the annual Christmas Luncheon. Attendees were treated to a meal set on beautifully decorated tables, with tea and macaroons. Butternut squash soup, chicken salad, and tea sandwiches rounded out the meal. We celebrated our friendships and love of the game with champagne toasts and lively conversations. Once the meal was served, acknowledgements were made for Most Improved Golfer Lee Murphy; eagles made by Sue Galinski, Cindy Sterling, and Brenda Watson; and birdies made by Kerri Kay with 22 and Ruth Lowe with 19. Continuing to honor the skills of our ladies, Ann Brehm, OkCha Cummings, and Sue Halsted were recognized for most chip-ins.
President Sue Galinski thanked all those who served on the board this year and then handed the podium over to Sue Halsted. Sue Halsted presided over the swearing-in of the 2025 board of directors: President Sue Galinski, Vice President Candy Mikulik, Treasurer Jan Henson, and Secretary Donna Slater.
In honor of the winners of the 2024 Club Championship, Robson Cup, and the Silver Tees Champion, markers were placed on the women’s tee boxes. These markers will remain in place for the duration of the year until new champions are crowned. In the meantime, the accomplishments of these three women will be on display on holes West 1 for Kerri Kay, returning Club Champion; South 7 for Shannon Dunston, Robson Cup winner; and North 9 for Joyce Marshall, Silver Tees Champion.