Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club members enjoy playing in 72 degrees while it’s 102 degrees outside.
Don Pooley
Already, we are experiencing triple-digit temperatures in North Texas (102 degrees as I write this article). No matter what the temperature is outside, it’s always 72 degrees during play at the Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club’s play sessions. This 72-degree temperature allows playing participants to maximize their activity and enjoyment of table tennis on a year-round basis. Come rain or shine, hot or cold, it’s time to start your regular table tennis activity and enjoy the health benefits of table tennis, one of the world’s most popular indoor sports.
Current table tennis play session schedule times are in the Sports Center’s Gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from noon to 2:30 p.m., and on Sunday from 10 a.m. until noon.
For the latest club activities and announcements, follow the club on Facebook at “Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club” (www.facebook.com/RRDTTC) or check out the Table Tennis Club bulletin board space outside the south entrance to the main Sports Center.
Come join us at a table tennis 72-degree play session, and our members will help you in using table tennis as part of your year-round, active adult lifestyle activities.