Theresa L. Peoples The March Garden Club meeting will be on Monday, March 19 in the Lone Star Room of the Clubhouse at 10:30 a.m. Our program will be delivered by Liz Moyer from the Denton County Master Gardeners Association and the Native Plant Society of Texas. Having lived in North Texas over forty…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, March 2018
Travel with Road Runners and come home with great memories

Vicki Baker Travel with Road Runners and come home with great memories. April 23-25: Fiesta San Antonio Experience the unique Fiesta celebration and the city’s 300 year anniversary along the San Antonio’s Riverwalk. This fun-filled trip includes accommodations at the Holiday Inn on the Riverwalk. Enjoy dining at the Iron Cactus and delight in the…
Clubs & Classes, March 2018
A capital evening with the Wine Knots

Diane Williams Wine Knots wine tasting group met on February 23 and to honor President’s Day everyone was instructed by our host and hostess, Chuck and Joan Newcomer, to research a favorite dish of one of our presidents and bring it to share with the group. We had everything from Reagan’s jelly beans to…
Clubs & Classes, March 2018
Bid it to win it at Kiwanis Auction

Vicki Baker Mark your calendars now and join the Kiwanis Club for a day of bidding at its annual Silent Auction set for April 21. In its seventh year, the fund-raising event will offer all sorts of unique merchandise, products and services, restaurant and merchant gift cards, and much, much more. The top bidders…
Clubs & Classes, March 2018
A charity project – training can be productive

David Bassham, Robson Ranch Woodworkers President As president of the Woodworkers, I have the good fortune to have a pool of incredibly talented individuals to call on for whatever projects present themselves. These run the gamut from money making to charity and anything in between. Recently we have been making memory boxes for the…
Clubs & Classes, March 2018
Jewish Friendship Group news and activities

Lynne Moore Jewish Friendship Group met Sunday, February 11 in the Clubhouse for our monthly get-together. It was a wonderful time, with hosts Phyllis and Dave Ayers organizing our brunch. It’s a great time to enjoy those special goodies we remember from our childhoods, as well as to visit with friends and share our…
Clubs & Classes, March 2018
All Shades of Red was theme for Women’s Club lunch

Ann Madigan Reds from Chinese red to fire engine red and shades between, greeted guests at the February Women’s Club lunch. Apparel was colorful, and tables eye-catching in red accent covers. A heads up for last minute activities, including charity donations, was called preceding the business meeting. The first fundraising project was introduced—a Home…
Clubs & Classes, March 2018
After Schoolers tour LaGrone Advanced Technology Complex

Darla Chupp The mission of the Robson Ranch After Schoolers Club is to adopt two schools in Denton. Once adopted, the teachers and other school personnel are given various types of support. This support ranges from monetary gifts, to culinary treats such as Subway Day and Sweet Treats Day, to educational equipment and requests…
Clubs & Classes, March 2018
Kiwanians get high on bingo winnings
Clubs & Classes, March 2018
Happy Potters prepare for Women’s Club fall sale

Carolyn Detjen The activity level has been exciting in the Wine Cup Room of the CATC building. Happy Potters are preparing for the Women’s Club sale in the fall. Expect to be pleased with the selection for your Christmas shopping. Jan Marx has been teaching Zentangle and believe it or not, Zentangle can be…