Category: Clubs & Classes

RR Women’s Club Chocolate and Wine Tour

KD Rutherford The Robson Ranch Women’s Club had 52 ladies enjoy a fabulous tour to four highly recognized chocolate businesses. Along the way, they were entertained by a fun and enthusiastic host! The bus tour visited the following venues: Lizzie Lu’s Luxury Treats (Las Colinas) T’Juanna Jones honors the legacy of her grandmother Lizzie by…

Garden Club News

Nancy Finley The Garden Club’s annual Plant Exchange will be on Monday, March 17, at 10:30 a.m. in the Lonestar Room at the Robson Ranch clubhouse. Plan to bring any cuttings, plants, or sprouts to share with other Garden Club members. Bring them in plastic bags or boxes to reduce the amount of dirt left…

Democratic Club Prepares for May Election

Richard Kushmaul The Robson Ranch Democratic Club welcomed Denton City Council District 2 Representative Dr. Brian Beck as the keynote speaker to its February membership meeting. Dr. Beck gave an overview of the Denton City Charter and how issues are procedurally considered by the Denton Charter Review Committee and then selected to be put on…

Connect and Engage March 24

Jan Brefczynski The Conservative Women of Action invite all Robson Ranch women to our Mix & Mingle event on Monday, March 24, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the RR clubhouse Patriot Room. Come meet like-minded women and learn about our many activities, including: • Topic Discussion Groups: Engage in meaningful conversations on books, articles,…

Baby Boomers Mardi Gras

Susan Parker New Orleans may have the best Mardi Gras celebration in the United States, but the Baby Boomers at Robson Ranch are a close second. The Boomer celebration was held in the clubhouse ballroom and filled with Boomers dressed in their best Mardi Gras attire. Each table had a beautiful centerpiece, Mardi Gras beads,…

Photo Club February Meeting

Steve Simpson The Photo Club February general meeting was held on Feb. 17 at the Creative Arts and Technology Center in Room 104. The meeting agenda included the following: Member Project on Packard Cars, CTC Auto Ranch Field Trip Video, January Contest Results with Judges’ Corrections, and Board Member Dick Remski’s presentation of “Lizards from…

Tech Club Meeting

Steve Garvin The Robson Tech Club February general session meeting was held on Feb. 10 in Room 104 of the CATC and started at 7 p.m. Vice President Steve Garvin and Mike Weaver presented on “The Apple Ecosystem,” Several Robson residents were in attendance for this interactive session. Major agenda topics included comparing Windows and…

Voices United Members Learn About the CROWN Act

Dianne Ace At the February meeting of Voices United, Tiffany Ramzey, a member of the group, spoke to the members about the CROWN Act. As Tiffany explained, the CROWN Act was created in 2019 by Dove and the CROWN Coalition, in partnership with then-State Senator Holly J. Mitchell of California, to protect against discrimination based…