Cynthia Drury On May 21 Fellowship At The Ranch Church hosted more than 85 guests for an old-fashioned Ice Cream Social and music on the patio of the Wildhorse Grill. It was a perfect day to build an ice cream sundae and enjoy music provided by David Seering, singing and playing the Clavinova, along with…
Category: Religion
Religion, June 2023
Pastor’s Corner
Jim Mann “But Jesus said, “Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me.” (Luke 8:46) In this passage, Jesus is in the midst of a large crowd—Luke says it almost crushed Him. As He slowly made His way through the throng, a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years came up…
Religion, June 2023
Who Is My Neighbor?
Ed Jones In Mark 12:28-34, Jesus declared that loving God and loving others to be the greatest commandments. In that passage, Christ commands the teacher of the Law to “love your neighbor as yourself.” “Who is my neighbor?” then becomes a natural question to ask. The command to love one’s neighbor as oneself originates in…
Religion, June 2023
Seeds of a Father’s Love
Linda Buishas My daddy scooped me up into his arms, carrying me to the next room, everyone thought, to give me a spanking (although neither parent ever laid a hand to me). I was three years old and had just spilled my milk, creating mealtime chaos for the umpteenth time. With his handsome face at…
Religion, June 2023
Fellowship Ladies Visit a Beautiful Rose Garden

Cynthia Drury On May 12 a group of ladies from Fellowship At The Ranch Church visited Gemini Peach and Rose Farm, a private garden made available to the public. With perfect weather for their tour, the roses were absolutely beautiful, thanks to beneficial rains the prior week! Our group was given a private tour by…
Religion, June 2023
RR Catholic Community

On May 9 over 50 members of the Robson Ranch Catholic Community met at the home of Mary and John Goodpaster for the RR Catholic Community Spring Social. There was a drink station, an appetizer station, main course table, and, of course, a dessert station. Many thanks to Mary and John for opening their home…