Category: Clubs & Classes

Ladies Game Night

Alice, in front, the 95-year old wonder!

Deborah Harwell Ladies game night meets once a month in residents’ home for a great evening of fun and games. We are so fortunate to have the youngster Alice play regularly. Ladies are encouraged to come.

Only a memory away:  Yuriy Boychuk

Yuriy Boychuk, from childhood memories to dreams come true

Vicki Baker Childhood, a time free from sorrows, troubles and worries. But for some, a time of tragedy, inhumanity and hardship. Kiwanis Club RR was honored by Ranch resident Yuriy Boychuk during its August meeting. Growing up in a different place at a different time, Yuriy shared his remarkable story and childhood memories. While some…

The Speedway was invaded by Red Hat Ranchers

The Red Hat Ranchers toured the Texas Motor Speedway.

Jan Utzman Beware, keep your eyes open and look out for speeding cars. After the fun excursion that the Red Hat Ranchers did on Wednesday, September 16, at the Texas Motor Speedway, the Robson population needs to keep a lookout for little ol’ ladies wearing red hats zooming around the ranch. The wonderful guides we…

Garden Club happenings

Past President Janie Cindric passes the gavel to Barbara Anderson, the new president. Photo by Tom Cindric.

Barbara Anderson The Robson Ranch Garden Club began its 2015-2016 program year with its meeting on Monday, September 21. Past President Janie Cindric called the meeting to order and then passed the gavel to Barbara Anderson, the new president. Barbara introduced the new Board: Mary Ann Rich, vice-president; Kathy Marrou, secretary; Nancy Buenzow, treasurer; Barbara…

Boomers Hot August Nights version 2.0

The first Robson Ranch Baby Boomer pool “selfie”

David Parker The Baby Boomers at Robson Ranch met again on a beautiful Monday evening, August 24, at the outdoor pool for friendship and fun. Version 2.0 had the addition of water volleyball thanks to Paula and Jeff Sales. Teams were divided up, and some great games of water volleyball were played. Some of the…

Why not another wine group?

Salud, the Wine Knots have arrived!

Joan Newcomer A call to order doesn’t really describe the inaugural meeting of Robson Ranch’s newest wine club, the Wine Knots. With a goal of meeting new friends and new wines, each couple invited was asked to bring a wine from their home state, if possible. The result was a tour across America. There were…

Food and games at the Aramanda’s home

Hosts Mike and Millie Aramanda

Nancy Toppan The Game Gang enjoyed zesty Italian cuisine and Mexican Train at Millie and Mike Aramanda’s in September. Melodye Rogers was the “big winner” scoring 157 points. She also claimed the most wins scoring zero five times. The “biggest loser” was David Parker with 427 points.