Cory Largent, Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Jeremy Adams, Denton Freedom House
As the bright morning sun shone through the windows into the Medina Room on Saturday, Sept. 24, about 40 men gathered for fellowship and a breakfast buffet. This was the third and final “All Group” meeting of the Robson Men’s Bible Studies for the year. This morning, the men heard Jeremy Adams, the founder of Denton Freedom House (DFH). Adams, who travels frequently all over the United States and around the world, provided a passionate testimony about his life and how he went from complete brokenness to a life of Christian ministry. After his Christian rebirth, Jeremy studied theology and became obsessed with helping others who were as broken as he once was. Following Jeremy’s talk, the Director of Development, Chad Eskew, gave his personal testimony and highlighted the growth plans for DFH. Freedom House staff member Jason Young gave his personal testimony and described how his life was transformed by Jesus and his time at DFH.
At the All-Group breakfast in February, the men heard an excellent talk about Evangelism and Christian Apologetics by Dr. Tom Hillegas. In June, Cory Largent from the Denton area Fellowship of Christian Athletes described their mission and outreach activities in school athletic programs.
The Robson Men’s Bible Study provides financial support to four Christian charities: Denton Freedom House, First Liberty Institute, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and The Jesus Film Project.
Each Saturday morning Christian men meet in various homes in Robson Ranch to study the Bible, each in a non-denomination setting. There are six leaders/coordinators for the studies. Please go to robsonmensbiblestudy.weebly.com for more information.
Our next special event will be the annual Christmas banquet on Dec. 13 in the clubhouse. Won’t you join us?