Friends of the Library Supports Volunteers and New Book Collection

Jane Scholz

The board of Robson Friends of the Library (FOL) expects to spend more than $1,500 by the end of the year to build the Robson Library collection and support its volunteers.

FOL membership dues and donations will support a Library Appreciation Lunch at the Wildhorse Grill in November.

The board of the 501(c)(3) charitable organization has also approved its first regular quarterly payment to the library for library materials, including books and other materials. FOL plans to make regular contributions for acquisitions to the library going forward.

“We are able to make these contributions thanks to the generosity of our members, all Robson residents who value having a community library that meets the needs of Robson residents,” said Jane Scholz, chair of the FOL Board.

The library in the CATC building is open to all Robson residents.

To join and support our community library, download the membership form at and follow the directions. Or pick up a form in the library, follow the instructions, and drop off the form, with $10 per member, in the library.