A snippet from the 1840 U.S. Census
Jo Ann Evans
The June and July events offered by the Genealogy Club have been designed to appeal to a range of genealogical experience, from beginner to seasoned veterans.
On June 13 in the CATC, Room 104, from 2 to 4 p.m., Emily Richardson held a workshop for beginning genealogists called “Demystifying the Federal Census Records.” For many in our age group, the 1950 Census is the first one in which our names appeared along with those of our parents and older siblings. In this hands-on, interactive workshop, genealogist (and Robson resident) Emily Richardson helped take the mystery out of the census and showed how to analyze a family based on their census records. Attendees who brought their laptops or tablets were able to research their ancestors using FamilySearch, Ancestry, and HeritageQuest records for the census.
On Tuesday, June 21, in the CATC, Room 104, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Laura Douglas from the Emily Fowler Library in Denton will present a program called “From Here to There: Maps and Genealogy Research.” Location is vital to accessing the correct record sets when researching your family history, and maps are a key to understanding where our ancestors lived. Sometimes in our research, it might appear that our ancestors moved, when actually it was a boundary line that moved instead of the family. This presentation will provide tips for using maps in your research and how to locate online map repositories.
On Tuesday, July 5, in the CATC, Room 104, from 7 to 8 p.m., our resident genealogist Emily Richardson will offer a session for beginners called “20 Websites Every Genealogist Should Be Using.” Today, those of us who like to research are lucky to have the Internet at our disposal. Many are familiar with Ancestry and FamilySearch and how to research using Google, but other websites are focused on specific elements that can help you discover documents and additional links to answer your ancestral questions. This session will show you the websites and how to navigate them—all in 60 minutes!
The Genealogy Club welcomes all Robson Ranch residents. Dues are $20 per year per person or $30 per year for a couple. If you want further information on these programs or on the Robson Genealogy Club, contact the club board at [email protected].
“History remembers only the celebrated; genealogy remembers them all.” —Laurence Overmire