Carolyn Detjen
Travel over to the CATC building and walk the “gallery of windows”. On a monthly schedule the window displays are changed, exposing the talent of artists living here on the Ranch. Amazing! Bedazzling! Beautiful! Wow! Be ready to appreciate the wonders that the Ranch residents create.
The Spotlight for March carries two of our Happy Potters, Jackie Graham and Wayne Detjen. In her relaxing hours, Jackie carves gourds using the tiniest of saws and adds jewels and leather and whatever strikes her fancy to amaze your senses. They are award winners when she enters competitions. Jackie makes the most intricate beaded bracelets and necklaces using miniscule beads that she weaves in many ways, but she especially likes doing the peyote stitch. Nimble fingers and love of color and design places Jackie’s jewelry on any lady’s list of must haves. Great work, Jackie!
Potter Wayne Detjen seldom just sits. No, he uses needles and waxed linen, beads, his own pottery and gemstones to create Blue Ribbon winners making pine needle baskets. He began this venture using pine needles dropped from his trees down in Fort Worth. He now buys long leaf pine needles from Florida and the Carolinas to weave designs that will assault your senses with beauty. He has many ribbons, two being first place winners from the Texas State Fair.
Happy Potters Jackie and Wayne show that when art is in your heart, you simply have to express that love through unusual mediums, allowing us to enjoy the beauty that they create. Thanks Wayne and thank you Jackie!