Board members Donna Steibel and Lorraine Wilson at the Club Open House
Lorraine Wilson
The Second Annual Pet Food Drive will be held the entire month of April. Sponsored by Happy Tails Dog Club, the Pet Food Drive at Robson Ranch will benefit the Pet Food Pantry at the Linda McNatt/City of Denton Animal Shelter, Our Daily Bread, Span Meals on Wheels Senior Paws, and the Denton Veterans Association. Please look for information in the weekly HOA announcements for locations in Robson Ranch to drop off your donations.
Happy Tails Dog Club’s scheduled meeting for March 13 was canceled due to having a table at the Robson Ranch Clubs and Activities Open House scheduled that same day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the clubhouse. Board members Sandy McAfee, Donna Steibel, Char Neimi, and Lorraine Wilson staffed the booth during the Open House, and not only did they get to see a lot of our current members, but we had several new members join! Please join our club in welcoming new members Judy Drew, Lezlie Hedges, Jeff and Kim Klotzman, and Carol McQuire.
Our next meeting was on April 13, and fellow Robson resident extraordinaire Mary Ornberg was our guest speaker. Mary is an expert at preserving family memories, and she has created an extensive collection of movies from pictures of her family over the years, including a very special movie of her family’s pets over the years. Mary explained to members how to make movies from the pictures/short videos you have on your phone or computer. In turn, once you have a movie made, you can save it on a flash drive and can play it on your smart TV! Just imagine being able to sit back and watch videos of your pets over the years, with music in the background!
On May 11 another impressive Robson resident, Doris Cozart, will be our guest speaker. Doris has been an AKC judge since 1990, approved for the Toy, Non-Sporting, and Working groups; Juniors; and Best in Show. She is a four-time judge of the Poodle Club of America National Specialty and has judged at Westminster and prestigious venues abroad. She was the president of the Poodle Club of America and has served the club as a director, judges’ education chair, and show committee member. She has served as director for the Poodle Club of Massachusetts, Quinnipiac Poodle Club, and Texas Kennel Club, and she has written articles and conducted seminars on breeding and judging.
Happy Tails Dog Club meetings are held the second Saturday of each month in the CATC building, Room 103, from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Membership dues are $10 per household. Further information about Happy Tails Dog Club can be found on our website at www.rrhappytailsdogclub.weebly.com.
Also, if you are looking for additional services for your dog, please check out the Happy Tails Dog Club page for pet owners at rrhappytailsdogclub.weebly.com/for-pet-owners.