Horseshoes, Robson style


Dick Dauphinais

As we are all aware, there are plenty of activities and amenities that we can enjoy here at Robson Ranch. One of the better kept secrets though is that there is a very nice area set aside in front of the garden area and dog park where every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon, a warm and friendly group gather to compete in many games of horseshoes. Admittedly there may be a little trash-talking going-on with some of the skilled participants—but it is all in good fun!

Robson has done a fine job of constructing four very professional horseshoe pits and comfortable seating areas for spectators. The two primary leaders of making sure everyone has the opportunity to participate (Bob Cook and Joey Misiaszek) help to organize the actual horseshoes and games to be played each week. There is no cost involved for any of the participants.

We already have a wide range of skill sets that show-up each session including those who are just learning as well as those that remember playing at their uncle’s yard when they were growing-up. This sport is not purely for the guys as our sharpshooter Ellen will attest. We also have a couple of tournaments throughout the year to liven things up. Coming-up in April we will have the annual veterans and first responder contest where all participants will throw 24 horseshoes to determine what parings will be established; then on a nice Saturday afternoon everyone will compete for at least two matches, then single eliminations until champs are determined. In September, there will be our version of the Senior Olympics with lots of horseshoes thrown for ringers and dingers.

Please come check us out. You will find a decent group of participants eager to include you in learning the game or remembering “the good ol’ days” We currently meet at 1:30 p.m. every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The fresh air and exercise are just thrown in as an extra benefit.