Tag: horseshoes

Horseshoes at the Ranch

Participants in horseshoe tourney

Ellen Gilgore If you have been near the dog park or the community gardens, you may have seen lots of activity near the horseshoe pits. During September and October, a “quota” tournament was held under the direction of Joey Masiaszek. Each Monday evening, members met to throw 20 horseshoes and a record was kept on…

Horseshoes Return

Ellen Gilgore Our team of men and women patiently waited for the go ahead to return to horseshoes, and many have taken advantage of the cool morning temperatures to do so in the middle of May. We have been careful how we pursue our return by only using every other court and many using gloves.…

Horseshoes at Senior Olympics

Left to right: Doug Hagan, Joey Misiaszek, Steve Bentley, Bob Cook, and Terry Duffield

Ellen Gilgore What a Senior Olympics at the horseshoe pits this year. Thirteen residents competed in three competitions. The matches were extremely close and we never have seen so many ringers being made and then topped by the opponent. In the end, returning as the number one horseshoe thrower and gold medal winner was Bob Cook.…

Horseshoes, Robson style

  Dick Dauphinais As we are all aware, there are plenty of activities and amenities that we can enjoy here at Robson Ranch. One of the better kept secrets though is that there is a very nice area set aside in front of the garden area and dog park where every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday…

Horseshoe Tournament results

Left to right: Steve Bentley, Bob Cook and Joey Misiaszek

Joey Misiaszek What a wonderful turnout by the horseshoe throwers of Robson Ranch. We had three tournaments: 100 throws – Most Ringers 100 throws – Most Points Horseshoe Madness – single elimination (like March Madness) This was also the first year that we had a women’s bracket, with Beverly Albarran taking the gold medal and…

Horseshoes anyone?

The 2017 Robson Ranch Denton Veteran’s Horseshoe Tournament participants

Dick Dauphinais It was a glorious day on the “pitch” on Robson Ranch with beautiful sunshine, a cloudless sky with temperatures in the mid-seventies with only a slight breeze; most would call it a top 10 day. The flags were in place, the portable tent was up, the fans benches were filling-up; yes, it was…

Yes, horseshoes IS an Olympic sport

Scott Baker The inaugural Olympic Horseshoe events of Horseshoe Ladder and Horseshoe Ringers finished up the day before the final day of the Olympics. Horseshoe Ringers required 500 horseshoe throws and counting the total number of “ringers” made. Not only was this a game in itself, it also provided lots of practice for other horseshoe…

Olympic horseshoe madness

Horseshoe Madness winners, from left: Jeff Harwell 2nd Silver, Joey Misiazek 1st Gold, Barbara Wise 3rd Bronze

Scott Baker The game of horseshoes started over 2,000 years ago in ancient Greece. However, the standard set of rules we play today were established in 1881 and have been a sporting event since this time. At the Ranch the horseshoe courts were finally opened this past spring with much fanfare. Horseshoe events have a…