Jewish Friendship Group news

Lynne Moore

JFG met on February 10 in the Robson Ranch Clubhouse. Our hosts for this month were Donna and Larry Ditch. It was a really fun brunch, with folks bringing those favorite goodies that we fondly remember from our youth. We were also happy to welcome a new couple, the Beeches, who now call the Ranch their home. We usually meet at the clubhouse on the second Sunday of the month to share our heritage and to visit. It’s always fun to hear stories about travel, grandkids, the latest movie or books that folks have seen or read. Our next month’s special time will be in the celebration of the Passover holiday. This year it will be held at one of our member’s homes. Each member of JFG will bring a special dish that is traditionally served at this holiday that commemorates the Jewish peoples’ flight from Egypt to the Holy Land. Traditional prayers are said at the Seder and the story of this event is read aloud with participation by all. It is an important and wonderful tradition and we feel fortunate to celebrate this holiday with our friends here. If one person of a couple is Jewish, you are welcome to join JFG and be part of a wonderful “family”. Please contact Susan Cohen at 214-808-0921 for more information.