Kiwanis Club Robson Ranch March Highlights

Kathy Perry

Our March 5 guest speaker should be no stranger to you; it was Dr. Jamie Wilson, Superintendent of Denton County Schools. There are 31,000 students and 4,207 employees speaking 52 different languages over a total of 40 campuses through-out the district. Due to COVID, this year has been a momentous challenge. The district focused on “Compassion and Flexibility over Compliance.” Dr. Wilson showed us a video of the damage caused by the Snowstorm of 2021. The video showed the teachers and administrators cleaning up damage to classrooms. This showed the dedication of the educators and the other professionals to the children of Denton County. Because of the damage, some of these schools will not open next year. Dr. Wilson closed with “Kids tell our Stories,” When people come together and work towards a common goal, things get done.

On March 19, recycling took on a new meaning to all the Kiwanians in the room, when Julissa Amador, Waste Reductions Programs Coordinator, gave her presentation about Recycling at the Ranch. I think just about everyone in the room had a question about recycling and what we have been doing wrong. And believe me, she had all the answers. So many of us are doing it wrong— we stress that you go to the City of Denton website at

Pat Hamlin, Chris Mershon, and the 2020-21 Kiwanis Club Robson Ranch (KCRR) freshman class continued to work with the Rainbow Room of Denton County on the CAP Walkathon, which took place on April 10. There was a Diaper Drive on the 5th. We want to thank the pickleballers and Marilyn Winter, secretary, for their donation. We will update in May.

“What’s Up Doc?” coming events: Watch for Bingo Blast in June.

Kiwanis is going into the Tents for Rent business, info to follow in the HOA Bulletin.

Square Point is coming to KCRR; we will be taking credit cards.