Golf with the good guys

  Dianne Edmondson Here in Robson Ranch, we’d all agree that those who put their lives on the line for the rest of us are the “good guys”, such as our first responders and our military personnel. On May 3 and 4, Support Our Troops (SOT) will sponsor its annual golf tournament and for the…

Garden Club meeting recap

  Lori Slocum On Monday, March 19 the Garden Club had our monthly meeting. Master gardener Liz Moyer was our speaker and introduced many varieties of native plants that will thrive and flourish in our part of the state. Liz brought some asters to our lucky door prize winners! Our April meeting will be the…

I haven’t played table tennis in over 40 years

  Don Pooley “I haven’t played table tennis in over 40 years” is the statement we most often hear from new Robson Ranch Table Tennis members. There are some variations on the quote, like I said two years ago when I started “…it’s been over 45 years since I played table tennis”. In those two…

Tribe speaker on back pain April 15

  Shirley Waterhouse Dr. Eric Olson will be our keynote speaker on April 15 at 6:00 p.m. He is a chiropractor specializing in conservative management of musculoskeletal pain. He earned his chiropractic and master’s degrees in 2015 and has been in practice for two years. Before attending chiropractic school, he went to Texas Christian University…

March Women’s Club Lunch

  Ann Madigan St. Patrick’s Day was well represented with green table accents, decorations, and lively outfits worn by the ladies at the March Women’s Club Lunch. President Mary Ornberg opened the business meeting. New members, greeters and table decorators were recognized. Those with March birthdays were serenaded. A reminder was given of our first…