Marie Milleage The Denton Fire Department presented a funny, comedy-variety show on April 15 to residents of Robson Ranch Denton. Captain Charlie Schenck from the Denton Fire Department introduced the fall and fire prevention program with skits focusing on three prevalent areas including falls and tripping, fire prevention and maintaining medical records and medication lists.…
Generals, May 2015
Living Well presents “Remember When” Fall and Fire presentation
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Game Gang April get together
Sports, May 2015
60 lady golfers take over Robson Ranch
Generals, May 2015
Dance Club “Sock Hop”
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
The Duck Commander 501
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Jewish Friendship group to meet May 17
Shalom all. What a wonderful turnout we had for April’s Jewish Friendship Group. We had over 24 people attend, and we had lots of wonderful food dishes to enjoy. Linda and Myron Zisman hosted, and bagels were brought in by the Woloschins. Casseroles, lox, herring, gefilte fish and other salads were enjoyed by all. Next…