Save the date – 14th Annual Health Fair

The 14th annual Robson Ranch Health Fair will be held on Saturday, April 7 in the Clubhouse and Fitness Center during the hours of 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. There will be many dental, medical, nutritional, retail, assisted living, hospice, and insurance vendors represented; it’s a great opportunity to get some questions answered, get medical evaluations or…

Jewish Friendship Group news and activities

  Lynne Moore Jewish Friendship Group met Sunday, February 11 in the Clubhouse for our monthly get-together. It was a wonderful time, with hosts Phyllis and Dave Ayers organizing our brunch. It’s a great time to enjoy those special goodies we remember from our childhoods, as well as to visit with friends and share our…

All Shades of Red was theme for Women’s Club lunch

  Ann Madigan Reds from Chinese red to fire engine red and shades between, greeted guests at the February Women’s Club lunch. Apparel was colorful, and tables eye-catching in red accent covers. A heads up for last minute activities, including charity donations, was called preceding the business meeting. The first fundraising project was introduced—a Home…

Veterans Park Spring Brick Drive begins

Darin Burk With the coming of spring the Veterans Park Committee is conducting the first of the semi-annual brick drives for 2018. Our park now contains over 550 bricks commemorating the service of Robson Ranch residents and family members. The park has become one of the prized highlights of the Robson Ranch Community. Memorial Day…

Design With Carol

  After a long day we all want to come home to peace and quiet. Does your décor offer you that comfort? If not, maybe it’s time for a few changes to make a difference in your feelings and mood. Jaclyn Crawford ( suggests trying one or more of the following ideas. 1. The power…

Living Well Pain Management Lecture recap

  Elaine Kushmaul On February 7 Living Well at Robson Ranch started its series of Health Seminars for 2018. The subject was pain management of the back and neck through non-surgical treatments. Over 60 residents filled the room to hear Dr. Jennifer Zahn lecture. Dr. Zahn has a broad background of study and practice including…