Dave Parker In the upcoming months the HOA Board will be featuring articles on the committees that support the efficient running of our community. This month the Architectural and Landscape Committee (ALC) is featured. The ALC is comprised of hard working individuals who meet weekly to review and evaluate proposals, plans and specifications submitted…
Generals, February 2018
Robson Ranch Architectural and Landscape Committee
Features, February 2018
Christmas on Rivercrest
Peggy Villagomez Christmas is over, the decorations are back in their proper place and the neighbors on Rivercrest (aka Candy Cane Lane during Christmas season) have started making plans and adding to their theme for next year. Stay tuned; we have a few things in the works! Thirty-seven neighbors out of 41 participated in…
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
Singles Club donates to Cook Children’s Hospital
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
Inside Straight Poker Tourney
Leslie Ross The Robson Ranch Inside Straight Poker Club held its bi-monthly poker tournament on January 9. Pictured are the players that made the Texas Hold’em final table: Mike Ford, Joe Howard, Sandra Waggoner, Lee Cash, Mary Metrolis, Nita Moor, Allen Goodrick and LaDonna Womochel. We would like to thank Doug Gandy for serving…
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
Road Runners Cruise the Caribbean
Dave Parker The Robson Ranch Road Runners loaded up a bus and headed for the warmer temperatures of the Caribbean on the third week of January. Many more Road Runners drove down to Galveston to meet the group on the boat. While temperatures fell below ten degrees at Robson, those on the trip enjoyed…
Front Page, February 2018
Support Our Troops reports record breaking year
Dianne Edmondson Hundreds of homemade cookies and dozens of Christmas gift cards made their way to military personnel last December, thanks to the Support Our Troops organization here in Robson Ranch. Robson Ranch Sweeties were the elves who baked the cookies. This group presently supports 82 military men and women who are relatives of Robson…