Jan Wallace Road Runners Board has decided to offer an annual winter cruise probably in January each year, so you can just mark your calendar. This is a great way for new residents to get acquainted, solo travelers to be with a great group and long-term residents to continue the fun. So this January 14-21…
Clubs & Classes, September 2017
Road Runner inaugural winter cruise – January 14-21, 2018
Sports, September 2017
A big splash for the Wildhorse Lady Niners
Features, September 2017
The Adventures of Round Robbie
Robbie’s trip to Iceland and Norway I was recently invited to join Ilene and Jerry Schlesinger on their cruise to more Northern climes where it would be cool and we could beat the Texas heat. We picked up our ship, Pacific Princess (590 passengers) and the namesake of the original Loveboat, in Fort Lauderdale, but…
Clubs & Classes, September 2017
Historic scale ship model created by woodworker
David Bassham, President, RR Woodworkers Robson Ranch resident Ivo Dabelic is a native of Croatia. He is an active member of the Woodworkers and recently spent approximately 5½ months painstakingly creating a scale model of the 16th Century merchant ship Nava. The Nava was built in the ancient shipbuilding town of Ragusa on the southern…
Generals, September 2017
Kiwanians turn trash into treasure
Carol Rauhauser Thank you fellow Robson Ranchers! For many years now Robson Ranch Kiwanis Club has collected aluminum soda, soup and vegetable can tabs for the Ronald McDonald house. This ongoing project had brought over 140 buckets of tabs and over $10,000 in money. Every time Kiwanis collects 20 buckets or more of the tabs.…
Clubs & Classes, September 2017
See it all…Do it all with the Road Runners
Vicki Baker Road Runners provides fantastic opportunities for making new friends while experiencing interesting travels. Join us on these great trips: September 21-22: Wildcatter Ranch Enjoy the beauty of the North Texas Hill Country at the Wildcatter Ranch and Resort known for its unique rustic charm complete with skeet shooting, horseback riding, hiking, spa, archery,…