Happy Potters Welcome Special Guest

Cindy Groszkiewicz Members of the Happy Potters were treated to a demonstration on a technique called “slip trailing” by special guest potter Amy Henson. Ms. Henson, who lives in Garland, holds a BFA degree in studio arts: ceramics from Southern Methodist University and an MFA in ceramics from UNT. Slip is a mixture of clay…

Photography Club: February General Meeting

Steve Simpson The Robson Ranch Photography Club’s February general meeting was held on Feb. 19 in the Creative Arts and Technology Center. Attendees heard a presentation by Club President Jerry Schlesinger on “Everything You Need to Know About Contests.” This is the start of our contest year, so this information is important for our newer…

Changes to Tee Times for WLN

Cindy Voliva Do you love golfing with your Wildhorse Lady Niners (WLN) friends but hate the early morning wake-up on Wednesdays? Or are you a morning person who thinks there is nothing better than watching the sun come up over the Wildhorse golf course? Either way, we have something for everyone this year. You may…

Wool Applique Projects

Lucy Rees Lucy Rees and Linda Szydik met 10 years ago at a workshop introducing wool applique. They have been friends ever since and continue attending wool workshops around the state. Their favorite venue was Galveston. Lucy and her husband have been at Robson since 2012. Linda and her husband moved here in 2021. Both…

There’s a New Lions Club in Town

Bob Lamons For the past six months, a small group of Robson Ranch men and women has been working diligently to form the Denton area’s newest Lions Club—the Denton Robson Ranch Lions Club. We now have a slate of officers, a charter from Lions International (the world’s largest service organization), and all the necessary tools…