Women’s Club Magical Evening at the Meyerson!

Gayle Coe Women’s Club members enjoyed a beautiful evening at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center! More than 80 ladies boarded the deluxe motorcoach and were entertained as they headed to the Meyerson Symphony Center. Once there, they were treated to a beautiful buffet dinner and a magical performance by the Dallas Symphony Chorus, along…

Kiwanis Club Honoring ‘Women in Kiwanis’

Kiwanis Club The Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch announces “Women in Kiwanis,” a program to raise the awareness of women working to make their community a better place through their Kiwanis Club. “Women in Kiwanis” is a significant part of the Texas-Oklahoma district governor’s programs for 2024. The Robson club recently honored Susan Galbraith with…

Do You Have a ‘Safety Net’?

Mary Ornberg Do you live alone or are a caregiver for your spouse/partner? You need to have a “Safety Net.” The program involves a Home Aloner who wishes to feel secure by checking in with a volunteer Safety Net person daily or twice daily. If the Safety Net person doesn’t receive the expected contact, they will…

Pastor’s Corner

Jim Mann “… But while the son was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him” (Luke 15:20). Imagine, an elderly, respected man, a pillar of the community, tucking his long robes in his belt and running to…