My Christmas List

Ed Jones Just a few days ago, I thought about what I really wanted for Christmas. It was an interesting list. Yet, as I look back over it, I can’t help thinking about how different that list is from one I might have written years ago—when our children and grandchildren were small. And the truth…

You Are Invited!

Cynthia Drury Fellowship At The Ranch Church invites you to attend The Greatest Story Ever Told, a musical for Christmas, created by Dennis and Nan Allen. This musical will be performed on Sunday, Dec. 15, at 10:30 a.m. at the Robson Ranch clubhouse. Come hear the Fellowship At The Ranch Singers, under the direction of…

Robson Ranch Catholic Community

Gayle Olson The Robson Ranch Catholic Community met on Nov. 12 with a presentation given by retired Navy Vice Admiral Charles W. Moore, Jr., and his wife Linda on the making of a saint. Vice Admiral Moore and Linda relayed the story of her sister Lydia and the journey she experienced on the recovery of…

Donna Garland—Registered Nurse by Day, Cookier by Night

Karen Mckinnon Donna Garland has been creating custom cookies since 2019. She is a self-taught baker who learned by watching cookie videos, taking online classes, and lots of experimentation. All of her experimentation, taste testing, and hours of design practice to develop the perfect cookie was finally awarded a silver medal in Julia Usher’s Cookie…

Resident Votes in Her 20th Presidential Election

Jeanne Porter voted at Robson Ranch in Denton, Texas, in her 20th presidential election. She first voted in the 1944 election between Thomas Dewey and FDR. After she and her husband Dick retired from teaching in Connecticut, they moved to Sun Lakes Country Club in the early 1980s, and they lived at 8883 Fairway Blvd.…

Villas Veterans Appreciation

Bob Hestes On Veterans Day 30 friends, family, and neighbors paid tribute to veterans in the Villas. Coffee, donuts, pictures, and stories were shared among the group. Additionally, a Quilt of Valor ceremony took place, honoring three brave veterans in the community. Everyone witnessed the emotional moment as each veteran was presented with their handmade…