July Marks Frank Ruggiero’s Departure from Robson Ranch

Fred Thompson, Coordinator, Nine Hole MGA Frank has truly been a prime mover in the golf world of Robson Ranch (RR). He and wife Judy began their association with RR in 2001 and actually moved here in June 2003. Being strongly sports-minded, Frank began almost immediately making inroads via various administrative roles, being only the 2nd person to serve…

“Singles On!” with the Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club

Singles play at Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club

Don Pooley As we continue our COVID-19 precautions and social distancing, club members continue to focus on single play. Our round-robin singles play has evolved naturally—we play one game, then we move to play another person until we play everyone at the play session, then we start over. It doesn’t matter who wins or loses.…

Word of the Month: Contumacious

David Zapatka Sister and reader Judy Haberstroh wrote after reading the June column, “This one is interesting. Initially I was leaning toward using ‘yet’ but once I saw the specific definition of ‘still,’ I felt that was the correct word. However, when talking, I would more likely place the word ‘still’ after ‘it’s’ rather than at the end…

Robson Ranchers Donate 8,373 Masks

Marguerite Rose and Sandi Price The Material Girls Club whizzed past their goal of 5,000 masks with a final total of 8,373 masks made in 54 days. In the beginning, Marguerite Rose, founder of the club, commented, “I doubt you’ll get 100 masks made.” After all the masks were completed, she joked, “If you had…

Yard of the Month

Glen and Glenda Carr have the June Yard of the Month.

Theresa Peoples The home of Glen and Glenda Carr was nominated as the June Yard of the Month. Please drive by 9620 Crestview Dr. to see this lovely yard. Glenda and Glen do all their own gardens and even brought plants from Odessa, Texas, when they moved here.