WLN Hosts First Travel Day of the Year

Cindy Voliva Travel days are fun days for the Wildhorse Lady Niners (WLN). When our course closes for routine maintenance, we hit the road. And it is amazing how driving 30 minutes away from the Ranch with friends can feel like a mini vacation. This year, the first of our three travel days, organized by…

Sigma Chi Brothers Celebrate 4th of July

Dave Parker The Sigma Chi Brothers at Robson Ranch held their annual float decorating party on July 3 at the Chapter House. The Brothers and Sweethearts feasted on Jack Daniel’s pulled pork and jalapeño cheese brats. Three wonderful salads and a peach cobbler filled the table. Two special guests were present. Brother Justin Lemish brought…

Women’s Club 2024 Holiday Market!

Gayle Coe Save the date for the Women’s Club 2024 Holiday Market on Oct. 12. This event is open to the public. The annual Holiday Market is a seasonal shopping extravaganza with unique and “back by demand” vendors! Invite your friends and family to join you as you “shop till you drop” for beautiful, fun,…

The Lowdown Drifters Concert October 19

Join us on Saturday, Oct. 19, in the clubhouse ballroom for a concert by The Lowdown Drifters. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the concert starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $30 per person. The Lowdown Drifters are a group of Fort Worth-based musicians blending country, rock, and Americana into a sound of their own—the…