Kiwanis calling for Citizen of the Year nominations

Ralph Bunker The Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch is aware that there are many hard-working, caring residents at the Ranch who are not Kiwanis Club members. Each year the club recognizes one of those residents, highlighting their community accomplishments inside and outside of Robson Ranch. This will be the Club’s ninth year in making such…

Singles welcome summer

The Singles Club welcomed summer.

The Robson Ranch Singles Club held a special get together on Friday, June 20, to welcome summer for 2016. The event was held at the clubhouse. Attendees dined on a delicious burger buffet prepared by Chef Aubrey and staff. Musical entertainment was provided by Wade Hawthorne and friend, our favorite music duo, who played some…

Pastor’s Corner

Pastor Jim Mann I recently read Oscar Wilde’s famous book, The Picture of Dorian Gray. It is the story of an exceptionally handsome young man who sits for an artist who paints his portrait. The artist believes that he’s never seen a more pure and attractive person and proceeds to capture this young man’s beauty…

For love of country

Sherry Zeise How could you not feel patriotic at Robson Ranch in July! Twenty-five eager New Life Church Lunch Bunch patriots were warmly welcomed to the lovely home of Phil and Martha Crump on Saturday, July 9. Red, white and blue stars, flags, stripes and all combinations of those decorated outfits and tables. On the…