Willie Nelson tribute Aug. 12

Keith Allynn in “Not Really Willie”

The HOA presents a Willie Nelson Tribute starring Keith Allynn in “Not Really Willie” on Friday, August 12, 2016. The doors open at 7:00 p.m. and showtime is at 7:30 p.m. The cost is $26 per person. Branson’s Keith Allynn is a versatile entertainer performing over 50 singing characters. Keith’s musical comedy variety show, “On…

Kiwanis Clubs have a common bond

Southlake Kiwanis Club is making a difference.

Vicki Baker Whether a Kiwanis Club hails from here, there or around the world, they all share a common mission and core value, “Serving the children of the world.” Although they serve a different city, are comprised of members with different backgrounds and engage with different community agencies, the Southlake Kiwanis Club reaffirmed that one…

Saturday Men’s Bible Study Group

The men’s Bible study group

David Laschinger In our younger years we were faced with the challenges of raising a family, paying bills and staying employed. When we moved into this beautiful “Active Adult” community we may have thought life’s challenges would diminish or be less severe. Whether still employed or retired, the struggles of life have continued for many…

In Passing

Linda Lea Grau Linda Lee Grau of Jamaica Beach, TX passed away on Friday, June 3, 2016 at the University of Texas Medical Center in Galveston, TX of complications from cancer. She was 73 years of age. She will always be remembered for her love of the water, zest for life and incredible kindness that…

Cook Children’s Hospital memory boxes

Boyce Irwin, Jack Rhead, Loucille Battig, Gene Holt, JoAnn Bostwick, Sue Wells and John Rohde. Not pictured are Bruce Walker, Jim McGill and Sue Reber

The Robson Ranch Woodworkers are at it again. Cook Children’s Hospital reached out to us asking if we could make a commemorative box for keepsake items for their ICU patients. They said something simple. Boyce Irwin gathered our talent and resources, and we made a dozen boxes out of beautiful Colorado Beetle Pine. They measure…

Ladies of East Crestview enjoy game days

The Ladies of East Crestview Drive played Hand & Foot and Mexican Train at the home of Anne Owens. Those in attendance were, front row: Anne Owens, Vickie Bone, Kathy Zumann, Glenda Carr, Lillian Keehn and Carol Fortner; second row: Nancy Toppan, Carol Kerr, Clarice Turner, Brenda McKenzie, Barbara Cooper, Diane Edmonson and Cathie Rod.