Welcome New Neighbors

Robson Ranch welcomes the following new homeowners to the Ranch: Susan Coberly, Thomas and Dorothy DeVito, Norris and Dorene Drum, Susan Fitzpatrick, Thomas Folk, Thomas and Marilyn Golmez, Steven and Cindy Haugen, Larry and Judy Hilderbrand, Willard and Marguerite Howard, Edward and Carol Kerr, Hugh and Natalie Kneip, John and Linda Kotzur, Barbara Long, Scott…

Kiwanis Club Ramps It Up

Ramp builders Gary Koenig, Bill Wright, Jerry Waynant, Lee Cash, Bruce Walker and Randy Shoff

Vicki Baker Have you ever changed a person’s life in a single day? Ask the Kiwanis Club about good deeds, and they’ll start talking about wood, tape measures and four-by-fours as they build wheelchair ramps several times a year for the disabled or elderly. On a referral from the case worker, the Kiwanis Club received…

Boomer Time

The Robson Ranch Baby Boomers took over the Grill on the first Friday in March. Again many new Boomers joined in with conversation, food and drink. Many from the Boomer crew had just returned from the Road Runner cruise to the Caribbean. Pictures and stories were shared, and the laughing continued through the evening. Many…

Happy Birthday to you!

Eileen’s birthday party

Celebrating 84 years young Eileen Forkin thought she was going with her daughter, Donna Lepore, to the Wildhorse Grill to meet one other friend for lunch. Imagine her surprise when she saw the faces of Pat Bender, Jamey Siefert, Melodye Rogers, Linda Venable, Sondra Hall, Jackie Graham, Denise Switzer, Barbara Geiser, Cathy Jenkins, Mary Sullivan…