Pictured is Dick Remski, president, hosting the February general meeting. Photo by Steve Simpson
Dick Remski, Host and Board President
On Feb. 21 the Robson Ranch Photo Club met in the Creative Arts Center for a regular monthly meeting with a special program. Many of our members were featured in a “Show and Tell” presentation by sharing a favorite image or two with other attendees and fellow club members.
Over 30 images were submitted by members, and all were encouraged to share the purpose of the image as well as the captured location and technical details. Newer members reflected many skills and talents, while experienced members were able to share a favorite image without conforming to a monthly competition theme.
Image categories included Pets, Wildlife, Landscapes, Unusual “Sculptures” found in Texas, Sailboats, Progress Build Out at Robson Ranch, Reflections in Venice Shop Windows, a Sunlit Skyscraper in NYC, Scenes from Ireland and Big Bend, with wrap-up of a stunning image of the sculptor’s model for the Iwo Jima Memorial.
The Robson Ranch Photo Club is an image-based club whose focus is to give back to the community by learning skills mentoring that enhance image capture abilities.
The club is open to all Robson Ranch residents, regardless of whether their camera is a mobile phone, digital camera, or drone.
Club meetings are held the third Monday evening, and Learning Workshops are held on the second and fourth Tuesday mornings.
For more information, contact Dick Remski (club president) at [email protected] or 937-239-5521.
Our next general meeting is Monday, March 21, starting at 7 p.m. in Room 104, at the Creative Arts Center (944 Ed Robson Blvd.).
We hope to see you then!